Work Exchange/ Volunteers

Work Exchange helpers (formerly known as volunteers) are needed.  Help us during set-up, consignor drop off or pick-up, the sale, or tear down and get to shop early!

* In order to keep commissions low and to provide a quality consignment sale for fellow equestrians, the help of Work Exchange Helpers is needed and appreciated.

*There is no minimum or maximum age for helpers.  If you love horses and tack, please consider volunteering.  Even if you need to sit most of the shift, we could use your help.

* Time slots are available on a first come, first serve basis.  In order to shop early, you will need to work a minimum of 8 hours.  Please choose (2) four hour time slots on our sign up form.  You can either choose to work them consecutively (ie 10am-6pm Saturday) or divided between 2 time periods (ie- Friday morning for 4 hours & Sunday evening for 4 hours)

*If you are needing to work an entire 8 hour shift on a single day and only one 4 hour time slot is still available for sign-up or if the times do not equal 8 hours, please contact us & we can discuss adding or adjusting the time slots.

*Any work exchange helper that agrees to help and benefits from shopping early is expected to fulfill their obligation unless there is an emergency.  In the event that a work exchange helper doesn't fulfill their time slot, they will not be allowed to sign-up to help and shop early in any future Equestrian Exchange sales.

*Work Exchange Helpers must sign in and sign out on days helping to keep track of hours given to the Equestrian Exchange sale.

*Please bring whatever you want to eat-lunch, packed meal, snacks, drinks.   Also, keep valuables in your car during your shift.  During the fall sale, wear light clothing since the building can be hot.  

*4-H groups or any other types of organizations are encouraged to help.  A great way to learn about different tack & styles of riding!

*Help is especially needed for set up Monday March 17th and sorting Monday March 24th.  Extra help is also needed Thursday night March 20th for Premier Shopping and on Tuesday March 25th and Wednesday March 26th for pick-up.  
See below for info on paid sorting hours.

​ Help us and benefit by shopping early!  Get the best                         deals on tack  & equestrian supplies!

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Spring Sale
March 20-23, 2025
NC State Fairgrounds
Holshouser Building
Raleigh, NC

Consignor Drop Off
​Tues March 18  11am-9pm
Wed March 19  10am-2pm

Premier Shopping Night
$10 Cash Admission
Open to the Public
Thurs March 20  5pm-10pm

Open Shopping
Free Admission
Fri March 21  10am-10pm
Sat March 22  10am-10pm
* Sun March 23  11am-7pm
*many items 1/2 off on last day

Consignor Pick-Up:
Tues March 25  3pm-8pm
Wed March 26  11am-3pm  ​
Monday March 17th
Set-up- This day you will be assisting with unloading, unpacking, setting up racks and fixtures, creating displays, hanging signs, and general organization.   This is a great day to volunteer if you prefer to not deal with the public.

Tuesday March 18th
Check-in- This day you will help receive consignments, review inventories, & put items in their designated areas.   
Thursday March 20th
Opening Sale Day- If you are committed to working 8 hours, you may personally start shopping at noon.  During the sale, you will help with organization of the sale areas, check-out, bagging and assisting customers as needed.  This is a very fast paced time slot.
Friday March 21st
Sale Day- This day you will be helping with the organization of the sale areas, check-out, and assisting customers as needed.
Sunday March 23rd
Final Sale Day- If you have worked or are committed to working 8 hours, you may personally start shopping beginning at 10 am. Some items are half off on this last day.  During the sale, you will help with organization of the sale areas, check-out, and assisting customers as needed.  Starting at 7 pm, items will be sorted by consignor number for pick-up on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Monday March 24th
Sorting Day- We will continue sorting unsold items by consignor number. *Paid positions are available this day.   See below.*
Be sure to sign-up for (2) shifts.  You must help a total of 8 hours to shop early.
To volunteer, you must sign-up by Monday March 17th at 8pm since the computer system locks down at that time in preparation for check-in.
Please choose "volunteer only" when you sign up
 if you want to only help and do not plan on consigning. 
Saturday March 22nd
Sale Day- This day you will be helping with the organization of the sale areas, check-out,
and assisting customers as needed.
Be sure to sign-up for (2) shifts.  You must help a total of 8 hours to shop early.
You must sign-up by Monday March 17th at 8pm since the computer system locks down at that time in preparation for check-in.
 If you want to only help and do not plan on consigning, please choose "volunteer only" when you sign up.
*See bottom of page for info on paid sorting positions.*
Wednesday March 19th
Check-in- This day you will help receive consignments from large volume consignors, review inventories, & put items in their designated areas.  We will be closed after 2pm for final organization and preparation before sale day. 
Thursday March 27th
Pack-up Day- Help tear down, pack up, and load trailers.   
Tuesday March 25th
Sorting & Pick-up Day-  Morning and early afternoon helpers will finish sorting unsold items by consignor number.  After 3pm, you will help check out consignors.
*Sorting Help Needed- Earn $$$ to Shop*

We are looking for workers to help us sort unsold items on Tuesday March 22nd anytime between 10am-11pm.  This consists of a lot of walking and sorting by consignor number.  Minimum commitment 4 hours.   There are 2 options to choose from:

1.  Receive a gift certificate for $15 hour to be used on anything remaining or keep it for the next sale.  This is a great way to earn gift certificates for your favorite non-profit or equestrian group.  

2.  $10 per hour cash immediately after your shift on Tuesday.

Hard working teens and spouses are welcome too.  Horse knowledge is not necessary. This is a great opportunity for groups to raise funds.  Please sign up above and look for the time slots that are marked "paid".  If you do not see the exact time slot you need, just let us know and we will add it if it is available.  Time slots are limited.  (Please note that Work Exchange hours are not the same as paid hours.  You must commit to 8 hours of Work Exchange in order to shop early).  Please sign up by Monday March 17th at 8pm.
Wednesday March 26th
Pick-up & Pack-Up Day-   Until 3pm, you will help check out consignors. After 3pm, you will help tear down, pack up, and unload trailers.   Afternoon and evening shifts can exclude physical labor if preferred..