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Questions & Answers

Q:Is there a consignment fee for consigning with the Equestrian Exchange?
A: Yes, there is a $20.00 fee per consignor regardless of the number of items you bring.  You will be charged the $20.00 fee whether you bring 2 items or 100 items.  When your items sell, you will be paid 70% of the selling price (60% for items tagged without barcodes).
Q: Why do you charge an extra 10% commission to those consignors who do not use barcoded tags?
A:  Instead of eliminating the handwritten and tags without barcodes entirely, we wanted to find a way to strongly discourage them.   Tags without bar codes slow everything down from receiving and drop off to lines at the register to final day pickup. Many times they are hard to read and there is no way to do a quick look up for an item in case a tag becomes detached.  We wanted to keep handwritten tags an option for those who prefer that method, but we need the majority of tags to be barcoded to keep the sale running smoothly, especially as it grows.
Q: Why do you charge fees?
A: We wish we could put this event on for free, but there are numerous expenses we must cover- rent, insurance, advertising, displays, labor....  We try to provide a safe & secure facility that is comfortable for shopping.
Q: Are there any items you do not accept?
A:  Items that are consigned must be equine or pet related.  We do not accept live animals.  Items must be in safe working condition and reasonably clean for a used product.  
Q: I cannot make it to drop-off.  Can I have a friend drop-off my items?
A: Yes.  Please note on your registration or email us who will be dropping the items off for you.  Please make sure that they have all of your paperwork including a copy of your inventory and Consignor Information form (available at the bottom of the barcode tagging page).
Q:  Can I have a friend pick-up my items too?
A: Yes.  Again, make sure that you note who will pick-up your items on your registration or email us. They may need a photo id for verification purposes.  
Q: What happens to my items if I decide not to attend pick-up?
A:  All items not picked up by the end of pick-up day become the property of Equestrian Exchange.  Items are resold and proceeds are donated to various non-profit horse related programs.  Please make arrangements with another consignor, friend, or family member if you cannot personally make it on pick-up day.  The Equestrian Exchange cannot transport items and deliver for another pick-up time or store items until the next sale.
Q:  I saw something at drop off that I must have?  Can I purchase it early?
A:  Sorry, but no.  Work Exchange Helpers are allowed to shop first in exchange for 8 hours of help.  Please check out the work exchange page for more details so you can shop early and get the best deals. In fairness to all helpers, consignors, and shoppers we try to adhere by our posted hours. 
Q:  What form of payment do you accept?
A: We accept cash, NC check with approval & 2 ids, MasterCard, Visa, & Discover.  Debit cards can only be processed as credit cards.   Cash is our preferred method of payment.  A 3% charge is applied to all store sales. Pay by cash and save. As an incentive to our customers, we now provide a discount to pay by cash.  
     There is a $30.00 fee that will be charged by the Equestrian Exchange in addition to any bank fees for checks that are returned with non-sufficient funds.  This will apply to each returned check.  We participate in the Worthless Check Program.   
Q:  Do you charge sales tax on purchases?
A:  Yes, sales tax is added to all purchases per NC State law.
Q:  Are there ATM's available at the sales?
A: Yes, usually there are ATM's very close.  Raleigh has one next to the Dorton Arena which is within walking distance.  
Q: May I bring my dog shopping with me?
A:  Dogs are allowed. We usually have a nice selection of dog beds and other canine supplies.  Dogs must be on a leash and with a responsible person.  The dog's owner is solely responsible for any damages and/ or injuries to any worker, patron, other animals, or the merchandise at the sale.  
Q: May I return an item I purchased from the sale?
A:  Sorry, but all sales are final.   No refunds, exchanges, or credits.   Due to the nature of the consignment business, items are sold "as is".  Inspect each item carefully before purchasing.   Equestrian Exchange will assume no liability to horse or rider for items obtained at the event.
Q: When can I expect my check?
A: Checks are mailed 4-6 weeks after the close of the sale.

Spring Sale 
March 20-23, 2025

NC State Fairgrounds
Holshouser Building
Raleigh, NC