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Donations/ Non-Profits
The Equestrian Exchange has given away thousands of dollars in gift certificates to therapeutic riding programs & horse rescue groups.  Thank you to our generous consignors who donated their unsold items at the end of the sales to help horses & riders in need.
     Every time you shop at the Equestrian Exchange, you may be unknowingly helping horses, riders, or other animals with your purchases.  Many of our consignors are non-profit organizations who use the sale as an outlet to raise funds by selling excess donations or unneeded supplies.  
     Also, at the end of every sale, consignors are given the option to donate any unsold items.  This is a popular option for those who do not want to attend pick-up. In the past we struggled with a solution on how to distribute these items equally.  What if three horse rescues are all in need of buckets or blankets?  And even though it is gorgeous, who could actually use the XXS vintage Western show outfit?  The items that are donated are quite varied and many of them do not have a practical use when it comes to helping horses or riders.  Our solution was to re-tag and sell the items at the next sale with the proceeds going to the non-profits in the form of gift certificates.  This lets the organization choose what they want and need, whether it is halters, buckets, 78" winter blankets, or a therapeutic riding saddle.   When shopping, be sure to look for the light green tags with the consignor number that starts with DN.  Not only will you be getting a good deal, but you will also be helping other horses and riders.
    To receive a gift certificate, organizations must actually participate in the Equestrian Exchange in one way or another, whether it is consigning, advertising, or volunteering.  This insures that the donations received help horses and riders in the community.  
     Another option we offer non-profits who consign during the sale is the posting of a wish list on our bulletin board.  Shoppers can purchase items and leave them at the front desk and we will make sure that the organization receives them on pick-up day.  Non-profit organizations are also welcome to bring banners and signs that can be hung and displayed as well as set-up an informational table at no charge.      

Your purchases & donations at the Equestrian Exchange have helped:

America's Equine Sanctuary www.americasequinesanctuary.com
Barn Cat Buddies www.barncatbuddies.org
Blazing Saddles Therapeutic Riding 
Bright Star Stables Therapeutic Riding www.brightstarstables.org
Companion Animal Clinic www.companionanimalcinic.org
Corral (helping troubles teens) www.corralriding.org
Heads Up! Therapeutic Riding www.headsuptrp.org
Helping Horses Therapeutic Riding Program www.helpinghorse.org
H.E.R.O.- Horse Education & Rescue Organization www.heroequinerescue.org
High Riders 4-H Club
Hinds Feet Farm (programs for those w/ brain injuries) www.hindsfeetfarm.org
Horse & Buddy Therapeutic Riding Program   www.horseandbuddy.org
HorseFriends (therapeutic riding) www.horsefriendsnc.org
Horsepower Therapeutic Learning Center www.horsepower.org
Horse Protection Society www.horseprotectionsociety.org
Horses for Hope Therapeutic Riding Center www.horsesforhope.org
Horton's Rehab Ranch www.hortonsrehabranch.com
Lilly's Ponies 
Love of Lacey Equine Rescue 
Misty Meadows Mitey Riders www.miteyriders.org
Moonbeams and Miracles Therapeutic Horsemanship Center www.moonbeammiracles.org
NC Therapeutic Riding Center www.nctrcriders.org
Old Big Dog Rescue
Pasture Pals Equine Rescue www.pasturepalser.com
Rearing2Read www.rearing2read.us
Red Dog Farm Animal Rescue Network www.reddogfarm.com
Red Feather Equine Sanctuary www.redfeatherfarmsanctuary.org
Reins from Above Therapeutic Riding Center www.reinsfromabove.org
Riverside Ranch www.riversideranch.org
Riverwood Therapeutic Riding Center www.riverwoodtrc.org
Rocking Horse Ranch Therapeutic Riding Program www.rhrnc.com
Rolling Ridge Riding www.rollingridgeriding.com
Rugby Creek Animal Rescue www.rugbycreekanimalrescue.org
RVHR- Roanoke Valley Horse Rescue www.rvhr.com
Saving Grace Therapeutic Programs www.savinggracefarm.com
Shining Hope Farms (therapeutic riding) www.shininghopefarms.org
Special Olympics Johnston County Equestrian Team
Stateline All Animal Rescue www.statelinerescue.org
Tackfully Teamed Riding Academy Inc www.tackfullyteamed.com
USERL- United States Equine Rescue League www.userl.org
Victory Farm Therapeutic Horsemanship www.victoryrides.org
Victory Junction www.victoryjunction.org
Wings of Eagles Ranch (therapeutic riding) www.wingsofeaglesranch.org

Plus many 4-H programs and riding groups!

Thank you!