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Handwritten Tagging

*Please note that we have a computer bar coded tagging system available that allows you to track your sales each night plus simplify drop off & pick up.  
Please see the Barcode Tagging page for our preferred method of tagging.

To discourage hand written tags and tags without barcodes, there will be a 10% added commission fee for all consignors who choose not to use the bar coded tags.   Commission will be 40% for tags without bar codes.   

Tagging Instructions:
1. Pre-register.  Your consignor number is your first and last initials and the last 4 digits of your phone number. (ie Mary Smith at 555-2367 would label all her tags in the left top corner MS2367).   Be sure to register on both our website under registration and on the barcode tagging page.   This will make sure that we have all the contact information we need from you plus it allows the computer to save your consignor number.  
2. Items must be tagged with manilla tags with reinforced holes (Available at office supply stores.  Ask for shipping tags.  Please do not attach with wire).
3. On the top right corner of the tag write the measurement of the item (example: 17" Wide)
4. Write the price, using LARGE number, in the center of the tag.  Consignors are responsible for pricing their own items.  You can choose whether or not you want your item discounted on the last day of the sale. 

*If you DO NOT want your item discounted on the last day, please put the letters "ND" directly to the right of your price.   This stands for No Discount and your item will not be discounted.  If there are no letters behind your price, it will be discounted 50% on the last day only.

5. On the bottom of the tag, write a detailed description of the item.
6.  If you wish to donate your item at the end of the sale if it doesn't sell, mark a large X in the right hand bottom corner and check the donation column on your inventory sheet.  
7.  Attach your tag securely to the item.  Zipties/ Electrical ties are best (found in the electrical department in Walmart/ Home Depot/ Lowes)
8.  Make an inventory list of all the items you are consigning.  Please put the corresponding inventory number on your tags directly behind your seller id (Example: MS2367 is bring 12 items.  For her 7th item, she would mark her tag on the item MS2367-7.)  This helps speed up check-in and check-out since we do not need to hunt for the item on your inventory.

Please see Tagging Tips for suggestions on securing the tag to the item.

Spring Sale
March 20-23, 2025 

NC State Fairgrounds
Holshouser Building
Raleigh, NC
Sample Tag:
MS2367-7                                         Size 76


Weatherbeeta navy/ green plaid turnout blanket    w/ fleece lining. 