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Spring Sale
March 20-23, 2025
NC State Fairgrounds
Holshouser Building
Raleigh, NC

Consignor Drop Off
Tues March 18  11am-9pm
Wed March 19  10am-2pm

Premier Shopping Night
$10 Cash Admission
Thurs March 20 5pm-10pm

Open Shopping
Free Admission
Fri March 21  10am-10pm
Sat March 22  10am-10pm
* Sun March 23  11am-7pm
*many items 1/2 off on last day

Consignor Pick-Up
Tues March 25  3pm-8pm
Wed March 26  11am-3pm

Part 1 of 2- Also register with MyCm on Barcode Tagging Page
Consignors need to pre-register for each sale. This allows us to prepare for space & supplies.
You can pre-register by filling out the form below and registering to tag.   All consignors, regardless of tagging method, need to fill this form out as well as registering to tag on the bar code tagging page.   When you register to sell with the bar code system, you will still need to register as a NEW seller unless you used the bar code system at a previous sale. 
Required fields are in RED.
Consignment Fees:
1.  Equestrian Exchange will collect 30% from all sold items with barcoded tags or 40% for all sold items without barcoded tags 
2.  A $20.00 consignment fee will be deducted from each consignor's check.  This is a fee that that is per consignor regardless of how many items are consigned.  The fee must be paid at time of drop-off if consigning 10 items or less.
3.  If no items are sold, the consignor is still responsible for paying the $20.00 consignor fee.
4.  Earnings will be mailed to the address provided 4-6 weeks after the sale.

Registration Form:
Repeat Consignor:
Mailing Address: (where to send your check)
Zip Code:
Phone Number (home):
Phone Number (cell):
E-Mail Address:
Barn Affiliation (if any):
Discipline(s) of Interest:
Consignor Number:
*Your consignor number is your first & last initial and the last 4 digits of your phone number
(ie Mary Smith at 555-2367 would label all her tags MS2367).
If you are planning on bringing large items such as a cart, horse trailer, or more than 10 saddles, please describe:
Will you be personally dropping off your items?
If not, whom will be given permission to assist you with this?
The person dropping off for you will be required to sign a liability release form.
Will you be personally picking up your items?
If not, whom will be given permission to assist you with this?
The person picking up for you may be required to show a photo id.
Will you be donating all unsold items at the conclusion of the sale?
Want to Volunteer?  
Please indicate if volunteer is below 18 years of age.
If you are able to volunteer, please register by following the link on the work exchange/ volunteer page.   

If you have any questions, please let us know and we will contact you:
          Yes, I understand all the terms of this sale per the web site information, agree for a liability waiver to be signed for my items with drop off, agree to the pricing and tagging guidelines; 30% commission for all bar coded items sold (40% for items without barcoded tags) and $20.00 consignor fee per the Equestrian Exchange Consignment Sale.

Thank you for registering.  We look forward to seeing you at the sale!  

Do you plan on bringing flyers for advertising?    
Please see advertising page for more information.   
(Check for Yes)
(Check for yes)